About Me
I am a DAAD Fellow working at the INFN and the UNIMI in Milano, and at the KIT in Karlsruhe.
Until recently I was working as a member of the Astroparticle Physics division at
FZU in Prague.
In general I am interested in particle physics and astrophysics.
Currently I am working on the phenomenology of extensive air-showers
induced by ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays
as a part of the Pierre Auger Collaboration.
The main focus of my work lies on air-shower universality, which is a concept
that elegantly relates important observables of extensive air showers to the underlying
development of the particle cascade.
Recently I also extended my field of research to arrival direction studies, and I
started to work with neural networks in the context of my data analysis.
During my study I held numerous classes in physics for
undergrad and grad students.
In the context of my PhD, I had the great opportunity to visit Argentina
in 2018 and 2019 for several months.
At the age of 28, I received a double degree in astroparticle physics in February 2022 as a
part of the DDAp program
from the KIT (Karlsruhe) and the UNSAM (Buenos Aires);
my PhD referees were Prof. Dr. Ralph Engel and Prof. Dr. Federico Sanchez, my advisors were
Dr. Markus Roth and Dr. Darko Veberic.
I was born in 1993 in southern Germany. In my free time I like to climb, ski, and play and listen music.
You can find me on
Orcid ,
Gitlab , and
LinkedIn .
Postal addresses:
Università degli Studi di Milano
Dipartimento di Fisica
Via Celoria, 16
20133 Milano
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Astroteilchenphysik
Campus Nord, Geb. 425
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz, 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen